This book provides a comprehensive review of current knowledge on the pathophysiology, diagnostic techniques, and therapeutic strategies for salivary gland disorders. It highlights new evidence-based developments that are widely supported in the literature.
In 28 chapters, the volume addresses a wide range of topics, including embryological development and anomalies, histology, surgical anatomy, and applied physiology of the salivary glands. Parotid gland topics include assessment and evaluation, traumatic injuries and fistulae, calculi, sialadenosis (sialosis), sialadenitis, cysts, tumors of the parotid gland, various techniques and potential complications of parotidectomy, including Frey’s syndrome, and extra-temporal facial nerve reconstruction procedures. Likewise, topics of the submandibular gland cover evaluation, sialolithiasis, inflammatory disorders, sialadenosis, tumors, and different techniques and complications of submandibular sialadenectomy. In addition, two chapters discuss surgery of the sublingual gland and minor salivary glands.
The book is structured to facilitate quick reference and to serve as a practical manual for clinicians of many specialties who treat patients with salivary gland disorders. Head and neck surgeons, maxillofacial surgeons, endocrinologists, oncologists, pediatricians, and clinicians from other specialties will find this book to be a useful and indispensable resource as they face the most challenging salivary gland disorders, helping to provide individual patients with the best possible outcomes.
Hardcover ISBN
Published: 09 February 2025
Surgery of the Salivary Glands: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Strategies
6 $
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