This book is an up-to-date and comprehensive guide to interventional oncology (IO). Imaging and screening allows early detection of cancer when tumors are still small and confined. Imaging also allows for accurate guidance of needles, probes, antennae, lasers, and cancers to sites of cancers for minimally invasive and effective treatment. IO is practiced by radiologists, surgeons, pulmonologists, and gastroenterologist to improve, cure, and minimize morbidity for patients. Increasingly, IO procedures are also used for palliation by treating infection or by alleviating pain or organ obstruction.The growth in this field has been greatly aided by technological improvements in ablative tools, imaging, and image-guided navigation. Practitioners of IO are a large workforce in most modern hospitals, responsible for a large number of patients daily. Understanding concepts underlying IO procedures, as well as devices and procedures available, is essential for all who participate in the care of the cancer patient.This book is a state-of-the-art overview of IO and is authored by the scientists and clinicians who have pioneered the field. Overall, it summarizes the history, current technology, common procedures, and future prospects in the field. It includes procedures from many surgical and interventional radiologic disciplines because 1) it aims to be definitive, and 2) often procedures are performed partly in interventional radiology and partly in the surgical suite. This new edition includes 20 new chapters and delves deeper into specific treatment methods and practice guidelines.The book is separated into three main sections with multiple parts. In the first, the history and technical principles that underlie tumor ablation are presented. The second part discusses current imaging modalities used for guidance of these procedures and monitoring of their effectiveness. Included in this section are considerations of workflow, OR/IR architecture, and financial issues revolving around IO. The book then moves on to organ-specific applications of IO, including 1) primary liver cancer, 2) metastatic tumors to the liver, 3) lung tumors, 4) renal tumors, 5) prostate tumors, 6) bone tumors, and 7) miscellaneous tumors. The currently available equipment and equipment anticipated in the near future, special populations, and illustrations of the most common procedures are also included.This book is intended to summarize the field for surgeons and interventional radiologists at all levels. This field being highly collaborative, the authors of chapters in this book are from many disciplines, making this a definitive text on the theory and practice of IO relevant to all clinicians interested in cancer therapy.
Number of Pages: X, 1090
Interventional Oncology: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Image-Guided Cancer Therapy
6 $
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