Zukunft der Gesundheitsversorgung: Vorschläge und Konzepte aus Perspektive der stationären Leistungserbringer (German Edition) (PDF Book)
By Benedikt Simon, Nicolas Krämer
Health care in Germany must be further developed in terms of structure and content in order to meet current and future challenges. Oversupply, sector discontinuities, and the potential for ambulatory care are challenges that have been addressed for years but have not been politically addressed in a sustainable manner and that require an urgent solution. So far, opinions from think tanks or interest-driven research institutions have dominated the discussion on the future of healthcare in Germany. In this book, the top managers of inpatient care have their say for the first time in order to present their visions and concepts for the design of a modern, contemporary and sustainable health system. Seven of the ten largest clinic operators in Germany are represented, including the largest private, public and non-profit organizations. Innovative regional clinic operators also have their say, which have already anticipated future structures in their regions and have implemented some of them. These contributions are supplemented by six selected expert opinions, which show the necessary developments in inpatient care but also for the entire care landscape from different perspectives. Overall, these contributions result in a coherent target picture to which the health policy, structural and reimbursement reforms of the coming years should be geared. These contributions are supplemented by six selected expert opinions, which show the necessary developments in inpatient care but also for the entire care landscape from different perspectives. Overall, these contributions result in a coherent target picture to which the health policy, structural and reimbursement reforms of the coming years should be geared. These contributions are supplemented by six selected expert opinions, which show the necessary developments in inpatient care but also for the entire care landscape from different perspectives. Overall, these contributions result in a coherent target picture to which the health policy, structural and reimbursement reforms of the coming years should be geared.
Product Details
- Publisher : Springer Gabler; 1st edition 2021 edition (June 18, 2021)
- Language : German
- Digital eBook : 301 pages
- ISBN-10 : 3658330066
- ISBN-13 : 978-3658330064