Wahrnehmung: Grundlagen, Clinical Reasoning und Intervention im Kindes- und Jugendalter (essentials) (German Edition) (PDF Book)
By Andreas Leschnik
This essential explains the basics of perception. There is also a brief overview of the development of perception in children. Factors that can influence perception are also listed. In the further course, hypothetical-deductive clinical reasoning is used to make a therapeutic diagnosis in children and adolescents with cognitive disorders. In the end, this essential offers possibilities for intervention for children and young people to improve individual fields of perception.
Product Details
- Publisher: Springer Gabler; 1. Aufl. 2021 edition (July 9, 2021)
- Language : German
- Digital eBook : 83 pages
- ISBN-10 : 3658332786
- ISBN-13 : 978-3658332785