The sixth edition of Viral Infections of Humans: Epidemiology and Control continues with the same aims and scope as the previous editions and retains the time-tested chapter structure that has accounted for its long success. The reference provides scholars, teachers, and students of epidemiology and infectious diseases with a current, comprehensive summary of what is known about the causes and consequences of infection with every virus known to cause significant human infection, emphasizing its impact at the population level. It presents the latest concepts, methods, and technologies in epidemiology, detection, investigation, modeling, and intervention.While existing chapters include core virologic and clinical knowledge that may have changed little in the years since publication of the fifth edition, these chapters also reflect the variable, often substantial degree to which the epidemiology and approaches to control have evolved. The reference includes bothupdated chapters and about a half dozen new chapters that either greatly expand on material covered only superficially in existing chapters or introduce viruses just recently discovered to affect human populations. Each chapter presents information in a uniform way, summarizing the methodology, biological characteristics, descriptive epidemiology, transmission, pathogenesis, control, and prevention for each virus.Promotion and sales of the book are driven by such phenomena as the high visibility and urgency of the Ebola and Zika virus epidemics; the rapid advances in control of hepatitis C, influenza, and human papilloma virus-related diseases; and other new advances in the field. Academically affiliated purchasers or users of past editions of the book readily recognize the value of access to authoritative updates on these recent developments and discoveries. The timeliness of its new content and the projected frequency of its electronically updated material should be additional attractive features.The newly expanded Viral Infections of Humans offers a uniquely comprehensive perspective on viruses in humans, from agents of classic diseases (e.g., hepatitis, measles, polio, rabies, and yellow fever), to those with greatest pandemic impact (e.g., influenza and human immunodeficiency virus), to those discovered relatively recently (e.g., henipavirus, metapneumovirus, and norovirus). It is an invaluable reference for epidemiology, public health, and medical students; epidemiologists; academic and practicing public health professionals; infectious disease physicians; internists and pediatricians; biopharmaceutical industry professionals; health policy-makers; and fellows and other established professionals in these fields.
Number of Pages: X, 1490
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