Veterinary Anaesthesia, 11th Edition
by Kathy W. Clarke, Cynthia M. Trim
An acknowledged classic in its field, Veterinary Anaesthesia 11th edition has undergone a thorough revision to bring you the latest information in a more accessible format than ever before. The book meets the needs of several groups. For students, it provides basic concepts and ‘how to’ advice on anaesthetizing animals. For veterinarians in practice or those working with laboratory animals it’san excellent reference that draws on both the considerable experience of the authors and on published scientific data. Those wishing to specialize in veterinary anaesthesia will find it a stimulating introduction to the subject. This revision has been expanded to incorporate evidence-based information, additional chapters on advances in analgesia, anaesthesia of small mammals, fish and wildlife, and updated information on cardiopulmonary cerebral resuscitation (CPCR).
The wide range of species covered and the clear descriptions of basic principles, techniques and equipment, coupled with an extensive literature review, make Veterinary Anaesthesia 11th edition your essential companion whether in classroom or in clinic. ‘The before, during, after, how and why of everyanaesthesia is clearly explained in this thorough “anaesthesia” bible …No doubt this will be a reference throughout your professional career, whatever path you follow’. Reviewed by:Fabienne Dethioux Date: December 2014
• all large and small animal species covered in one book: includes new advances in anaesthesia in horses, birds, lab animals and wild animals
• glossary of USA and UK drug names: up-dated coverage of all new anaesthetic agents in Europe and the USA
• first section covers principles of drug action, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
• the only book to discuss anaesthesia of individual species in detail: lot of info on anaesthesia of goats, sheep and other herbivores such as camels and llamas
• also covers analgesia in all species
• chapter on special cases such as anaesthesia in obstetrics
• chapter on anaesthetic accidents and crises !
• Presents a range of new chapters from contributors of international repute.
• The evidence base has been expanded and, wherever possible, information is supported by a review of the literature.
• Now in colour throughout, the all-new design includes check-list boxes to facilitate understanding/troubleshooting and increase safety.
• New illustrations have been added in many chapters to clarify practical points of technique.
Product Details
- ISBN-13: 9780702027932
- Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
- Publication date: 8/30/2013
- Edition number: 11
- Pages: 712