- Assess treatment strategies and manage high blood pressure based on updated clinical practice guidelines from 2017 (ACC/AHA) and 2020 (ISH)
- Treat heart failure patients with the 4 pillars of guideline-directed medical therapy including novel treatments like angiotensin receptor-neprolysin inhibitors and SGLT2 inhibitors.
- Apply cholesterol guidelines and the latest clinical trial data of novel cholesterol treatments to the management of patients with cardiac risk factors and atherosclerotic vascular disease
- Classify patients with chest pain and order the appropriate stress and imaging tests for your patients based on current guidelines
- Evaluate and manage patients with valvular heart disease; identify which heart murmur patients should be referred for an echocardiogram and when patients should be referred for valve repair or replacement
- Support and treat patients with palpitations, and understand the appropriate use of heart rhythm monitors and when to refer patients to cardiology
- Interpret and treat atrial fibrillation and learn how to use direct oral anticoagulants to reduce stroke risk from atrial fibrillation, and when to refer to a specialist to consider rhythm control with antiarrhythmics or catheter ablation.
- Utilize novel diabetes drugs that have proven benefit in reducing cardiovascular events
+ Topics:
Atrial Fibrillation.mp4
Atrial Fibrillation.pdf
Evaluating Chest Pain.mp4
Evaluating Chest Pain.pdf
Evaluation of Palpitations.mp4
Evaluation of Palpitations.pdf
Hypertension Highlights and Difficult Cases.mp4
Hypertension Highlights and Difficult Cases.pdf
MJ2413 Brochure v4.pdf
MJ2413 Cardio Syllabus__Disclosures.pdf
Modern Heart Failure Management.mp4
Modern Heart Failure Management.pdf
Murmurs and Valve Disease.mp4
Murmurs and Valve Disease.pdf
Prevention Pearls.mp4
Prevention Pearls.pdf