USMLE Platinum Notes Step 2, 2nd Edition
USMLE Platinum Notes Step 1 and USMLE Platinum Notes Step 2 CK are the latest editions of these preparatory guides for the United States Medical Licensing Examination. Each book is entirely updated to equip students with the conceptual and clinical knowledge they need to score a 99 percentile in their exams. The first book, Step 1, is divided into seven chapters incorporating revision materials for anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, microbiology, pathology, pharmacology and biostatics. Step 2 CK incorporates clinical knowledge revision materials for medicine, paediatrics, psychiatry, dermatology, surgery, orthopaedics, ophthalmology, and obstetrics and gynaecology. These guides include USMLE type questions based on the latest exam format, clinical correlations and case scenarios, with revision questions at the end of every topic. USMLE Platinum Notes Step 1 and USMLE Platinum Notes Step 2 CK are enhanced by nearly 100 images and illustrations. Key Points * Latest edition of both USMLE Step1 and Step 2 preparatory notes * Previous editions published 2013 (9789350903414/9789350903421) * Revision questions, clinical correlations, clinical case scenarios *96 images and illustrations
Product Details
- Digital eBook: 753 pages
- Publisher: Jaypee Brothers Medical Pub; 2 edition (February 16, 2016)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 9352501721
- ISBN-13: 978-9352501724