Untersuchung von linearen und zirkulären Transkripten des TRAM1- und S100A6-Genlokus im Kontext des Harnblasenkarzinoms (EPUB)
Bladder carcinoma is one of the most common cancers worldwide and is usually only recognized in the final stages. Currently used diagnostic procedures are invasive, time-consuming and expensive, and associated with the risk of further complications. The development of non-invasive tumor markers for the diagnosis and follow-up of bladder cancer is of great clinical interest and could be realized using RNA markers in patient urine. In the first step, therefore, the transcriptome from the urine of healthy patients was compared with that of bladder cancer patients in an advanced tumor stage and potential tumor markers were identified. Subsequently, the focus was placed on the analysis of linear and circular RNA species of the TRAM1 and S100A6 gene locus and comprehensive studies on the detection and verification of the transcripts were carried out. In particular, S100A6 RNAs were recommended as tumor markers for bladder carcinoma due to solid detectability in patient urine and increased expression as the disease progressed. Circular RNAs were also the focus of the investigations due to their assumed increased stability in body fluids and the already known tumor biological functions. A better understanding of the diverse functions of circular transcripts could also advance the development of therapeutic strategies for the treatment of bladder tumors. In particular, S100A6 RNAs were recommended as tumor markers for bladder carcinoma due to solid detectability in patient urine and increased expression as the disease progressed. Circular RNAs were also the focus of the investigations due to their assumed increased stability in body fluids and the already known tumor biological functions. A better understanding of the diverse functions of circular transcripts could also advance the development of therapeutic strategies for the treatment of bladder tumors. In particular, S100A6 RNAs were recommended as tumor markers for bladder carcinoma due to solid detectability in patient urine and increased expression as the disease progressed. Circular RNAs were also the focus of the investigations due to their assumed increased stability in body fluids and the already known tumor biological functions. A better understanding of the diverse functions of circular transcripts could also advance the development of therapeutic strategies for the treatment of bladder tumors. Circular RNAs were also the focus of the investigations due to their assumed increased stability in body fluids and the already known tumor biological functions. A better understanding of the diverse functions of circular transcripts could also advance the development of therapeutic strategies for the treatment of bladder tumors. Circular RNAs were also the focus of the investigations due to their assumed increased stability in body fluids and the already known tumor biological functions. A better understanding of the diverse functions of circular transcripts could also advance the development of therapeutic strategies for the treatment of bladder tumors.
Product Details
- Publisher: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden; January 10, 2023
- Language: German
- ISBN: 9783658403577
- ISBN: 9783658403584
File Size : 14 MB