Understanding Anesthesia Equipment, 6th edition (SAE) (PDF Book)
by Anju Gupta Dorsch, Nishkarsh Gupta (Author)
Understanding Anesthesia Equipment has always been an ultimate and most reliable resource of information for postgraduate students and faculty with respect to anesthesia equipment, machine, and monitoring devices. It has covered the full spectrum of anesthesia equipment and monitoring and provided unparalleled clarity and depth of knowledge. The content has been updated to include recent advancements in the field and been customized as per the needs of anesthesiologists in South Asian countries. Key Features
Addition of seven new chapters whose contents are critical and relevant to safe anesthesia delivery andpostgraduate examinations, namely Oxygen Therapy Equipment, Basic Physics, Basics of Ultrasound, InfusionPumps, Invasive Blood Pressure Monitoring, Depth of Anesthesia Monitoring, and Percutaneous Dilatational Tracheostomy
Newly concise and streamlined content is highlighted by abundant tables, bulleted lists, and checklists
Content of all the chapters have been updated as per the recent advances in the relevant fields
MCQs have been added to all the new and existing chapters
Practical recommendations to the usage of equipment on day-to-day care and equipment commonly used inlow resource countries
Special attention to anesthesia setups prevalent in South Asia
Equipment and monitoring nuisances while handling patients with highly infectious disease like the recent pandemic
Robust collection of online videos demonstrating how to perform key anesthesia procedures
Several new images, diagrams, tables, and algorithms been added for better understanding
Product Details
Product Details
- Publisher : Wolters Kluwer (India) Pvt. Ltd.; SAE edition (1 December 2021); Wolters Kluwer (India) Pvt. Ltd.
- Language : English
- Digital eBook : 1180 pages
- ISBN-10 : 9390612535