Tratado de Implante Coclear e Próteses Auditivas Implantáveis, 2nd Edition (EPUB)
By Ricardo Ferreira Bento, Luiz Rodolpho Penna Lima Júnior, Robinson Koji Tsuji, Maria Valéria Schmidt Goffi-Gomez, Danielle do Vale Penna Lima, Rubens De Brito
The cochlear implant and the new technologies that are implantable, semi-implantable and anchored in the temporal bone with the respective surgical techniques. This work was carefully prepared to meet the clinical and scientific expectations of those who wish to study and act in the field of hearing and its disorders. The chapters in this second edition have been carefully modified and updated. New topics were introduced comprising the most recent scientific advances. Thus, also, new authors were added to this work, greatly enriching the contents discussed here. The themes that deal with the cochlear implant and the new technologies implantable, semi-implantable and anchored in the temporal bone, and their respective surgical techniques bring, in this second edition, the innovative and contemporary character equivalent to a keen academic curiosity. The new and updated chapters on other forms of intervention in hearing disorders meet the global moment of innovation in the health area through modern resources. Professionals in the medical field of Otology, Speech Therapy and related areas will have, with this second edition of the treaty, a reading with considerable innovations and coverage of themes that directly affect clinical practice and teaching, whether in undergraduate or graduate courses. This updated work is also essential for professionals interested in dedicating themselves to the structuring of health teams and services aimed at the treatment and rehabilitation of people with hearing impairment. Orozimbo Alves Costa, MD,
Product Details
- Publisher : Thieme Revinter; 2nd edition (August 24, 2021)
- Language : Portuguese
- Digital eBook : 478 pages
- ISBN-10 : 6555720840
- ISBN-13 : 978-6555720846