Total Knee Arthroplasty 2.0: What CAS can add to the Surgery 1st Edition
The aim of this book is to focus on the Total Knee Arthroplasty 2.0. This book describes the role of computer assisted surgery (CAS) in total knee replacement (TKR). Their purpose is to explain in a stepwise manner, what type of information CAS can deliver. This book consists of 5 chapters, which include orthopedic anatomy: knee joint, digital planning for total knee replacement, total knee replacement, navigation and its interpretation, and computer navigation joint replacement. This well written manuscript book describes a way to better interpret the information provided by the computer during a TKR. The clarity of the writing along with excellent photos and their insightful step by step analysis of the data available from a state of the art CAS system make this a valuable addition. The book will be welcomed the surgeons who already use CAS as an excellent review and the surgeons who are less familiar with CAS technology as an excellent introduction to the benefits of CAS in TKR.
Product Details
- Publisher : Jaypee Brothers,Medical Publishers Pvt. Ltd.; 1st edition (April 1, 2019)
- Language : English
- Digital eBook : 66 pages