Tinnitus Assessment and Intervention: Clinical Studies and Case Reports (PDF Book)
Tinnitus (“ringing in the ears”) is a prevalent symptom among adult patients with ear disorders. Often co-existing with other otological symptoms such as hearing impairment and hyperacusis, it requires specialized assessments and interventions to minimize its negative consequences, as well as to improve the quality of life of the affected individuals. Even though notable achievements have been seen in tinnitus studies and clinical services to manage patients with tinnitus are now more commonly available, ongoing research efforts are still warranted to enhance the understanding on the pathophysiology of tinnitus, as well as in search of the optimum treatments and interventions of this phantom auditory perception. In this book we have gathered the latest clinical studies and case reports on tinnitus, which could be of interest to academicians, researchers, clinicians and other interested readers.
Publication Date: August 11, 2021
Status: AV
Pages: 233
Print ISBN: 9781536199208, 1536199206
eText ISBN: 9781536199918, 1536199915