The Sanford Guide to Antimicrobial Therapy 2021, 51st edition (Scanned PDF)
By M.D. Gilbert, David N., M.D. Chambers, Henry F., M.D. Saag, Michael S., M.D. Pavia, Andrew T., M.d. Boucher, Helen W.
The 51st edition of the leading clinical reference on treatment of infectious diseases and anti-infective drug information. Helpful in day-to-day practice and as a component of your organization’s antimicrobial stewardship program, The Sanford Guide provides valuable guidance in the age of antibiotic resistance. Popular with physicians, pharmacists, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and other clinicians, The Sanford Guide to Antimicrobial Therapy provides information that is convenient, concise, and reliable. This year’s guide includes a FREE 1-month trial of Sanford Guide All Access, which provides expanded content, interactive tables and tools, updated daily, for mobile apps and the web. Coverage includes: Clinical syndromes, pathogens (bacterial, fungal, mycobacterial, parasitic, viral), anti-infective agents, dosing with pediatric & renal adjustments, adverse affects, spectra of activity, pharmacology, drug-drug interactions, and preventative therapy.
Product Details
- Publisher : Antimicrobial Therapy; 51st edition (January 1, 2021)
- Language : English
- Digital eBook : 308 pages
- ISBN-10 : 194427216X
- ISBN-13 : 978-1944272166
- ISBN-13 : 9781944272166
- eText ISBN: 9781944272180