by Gary Poole; Deborah Hunt Matheson; David N. Cox (Author)
This ISBN is for the Pearson eText and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplement. As the world shifts to a greater reliance on digital media, it is appropriate that this text evolves as well. This sixth edition is the first fully digital version of The Psychology of Health and Health Care: A Canadian Perspective. Instructors and students will find that, although the medium has changed, the content is fully consistent with prior editions. The Psychology of Health and Health Care focuses on understanding how biological (e.g., heredity, physiological systems), psychological (e.g., emotions, cognitions, beliefs, personality) and social (e.g., family, community) factors interact to affect health and disease. The main goals of the course are to develop a thorough understanding of the biopsychosocial approach to health, to gain knowledge of the different theories, research, and clinical interventions that relate to health psychology, and the role of psychology in preventing illness, promoting wellness and shaping health care policy. While many psychological theories developed in the United States and elsewhere apply well internationally, it is still the case that, when it comes to health and health care, our geography, demography, history, and health care system make Canadians unique, even in the face of significant, though debated, reforms to the American health care system. Our experience in writing this edition continues to confirm that Canadians are very active in research that goes beyond descriptions of our health to explore the factors affecting it.
Product Details
Publisher: Pearson Canada;
ISBN: 9780136744245
ISBN: 9780136744245
Copyright: 2023
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