The Cell: A Molecular Approach, 6th Edition (High Quality PDF)
by Geoffrey M. Cooper, Robert E. Hausman
The Cell: A Molecular Approach presents current comprehensive science in a readable and cohesive text that students can master in the course of one semester. This new edition retains the overall organization, themes, and special features of the Fifth Edition, including Key Experiment and Molecular Medicine essays, chapter sidebars that highlight areas of interest and clinical applications, and end-of- chapter questions with answers at the back of the book. Yet, the Sixth Edition has been updated throughout to reflect major advances since publication of the Fifth Edition in 2009. [See the annotated contents section for details.] In addition, many of the figures have been revised to achieve a contemporary graphic look.
Product Details
- ISBN-13: 9780878939640
- Publisher: Sinauer Associates, Incorporated
- Publication date: 2/1/2013
- Edition description: New Edition
- Edition number: 6
- Pages: 771