Seminars in Neurology Issue 01 Volume 42 February 2022 (Tele-Neurology)
Guest Editors, Michael J. Schneck, MD, FAHA, FAAN, FACP, and Jose Biller, MD, FACP, FAAN, FANA, FAHA
Seminars in Neurology is a review journal on current trends in the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of neurological diseases. Areas of coverage include multiple sclerosis, central nervous system infections, muscular dystrophy, neuro-immunology, spinal disorders, strokes, epilepsy, motor neuron diseases, movement disorders, higher cortical function, neuro-genetics and neuro-ophthalmology. Each issue is presented under the direction of an expert guest editor, and invited contributors focus on a single, high-interest clinical topic.
Up-to-the-minute coverage of the latest information in the field makes this journal an invaluable resource for neurologists and residents.
Product Details
- Media Type: Journals
- Issues: 1 per year
- Language: English
- Volume: 42