Seltene Erkrankungen und der lange Weg zur Diagnose: 15 persönliche Fallgeschichten (German Edition) (PDF Book)
By Lorenz Grigull
In 15 case vignettes, the book traces the very individual path of patients with rare diseases – children and adults. The author describes her life and suffering in search of a diagnosis in an exciting and vivid way. Paediatricians, but also all other general practitioners and specialists, learn from these individual cases to take a close look, to ask the patient the right questions and to pay attention to key experiences. The personal descriptions are followed by a brief description of the clinic with diagnostic information, therapy options, as well as links and service tips for doctors and patients. The aim of the book is to raise awareness of when to consider a rare disease.
Product Details
- Publisher : Springer; 1st ed. 2021 edition (April 17, 2021)
- Language : German
- Digital eBook : 149 pages
- ISBN-10 : 3662627523
- ISBN-13 : 978-3662627525
- ISBN-13 : 9783662627525
- eText ISBN: 9783662627532