Schmerz sucht Ursache: Neue Wege in der Schmerztherapie – mit Therapieempfehlungen und begleitenden Übungen (German Edition) (PDF Book)
By Jutta Richter
Do you suffer from chronic pain and want to understand where it comes from and what you can do about it? Look beyond the obvious and learn how childhood developments, family relationships, intergenerational and traumatic experiences can increase, perpetuate and even cause physical pain. Read which therapy concepts from hypnotherapy, trauma and systemic therapy, from psychodynamic and body-oriented concepts are promising and what you can do yourself to successfully reduce your pain. A valuable guide for those affected, but also for doctors and therapists who want to integrate modern research results from trauma research, psychosomatic medicine and epigenetics into their daily work.
Product Details
- Publisher : Springer; 1st edition 2022 edition (June 16, 2022)
- Language : German
- Digital eBook : 267 pages
- ISBN-10 : 3662649039
- ISBN-13 : 978-3662649039