by NAPTA (Author)
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. For safety, health, and environment courses within a process technology program. The NAPTA Series for Process Technology can be used independently and does not require NAPTA participation. The national standard for the safety, health, and environmental issues of process technology Safety, Health, and Environment is part of the NAPTA Series for Process Technology. Developed in partnership with Industry and Education, this unprecedented collection supports a consistent curriculum and exit competencies for process technology graduates. Safety, Health, and Environment provides a common national standard for the safety, health, and environment course of a process technology degree program, while serving as a valuable reference guide. The 2nd edition has been thoroughly updated and revised to align with the new NAPTA curriculum.
Product Details
Publisher: Pearson;
ISBN: 9780135982730
ISBN: 9780135572498
Copyright: 2020
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