Roy and Fraunfelder’s Current Ocular Therapy, 6th Edition (PDF Book)
by F. Hampton Roy, Frederick T. Fraunfelder, Frederick W. Fraunfelder
This book is designed to be concise with a consistent format so that the clinician can focus on a specific area. This edition has had major modifications and embraces evidence-based medicine. The format includes the CPT codes for billing purposes, short description of the condition, etiology/incidence, course/prognosis, laboratory findings, differential diagnosis; prophylaxis, treatment (local and systemic, surgical or other), miscellaneous (names and addresses of support groups) and key references.
• Incorporates evidence-based medicine so you feel confident that you’re formulating the best treatment plans for your patients.
• Color photos allow you to read about and actually see a picture of select disease entities.
• Clear, concise format can be photocopied and distributed to patients in some cases, reducing your time spent explaining problems to patients and caregivers.
Product Details
- ISBN-13: 9781416024477
- Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
- Publication date: 12/14/2007
- Series: Current Therapy Series
- Edition number: 6
- Pages: 732