Ratgeber Herz- und Gefäßkrankheiten: Wie sie entstehen und was man dagegen tun kann (German Edition) (PDF Book)
By Christiane Tiefenbacher
Diseases of the heart and blood vessels are the most common causes of death for people in industrialized countries. This guide explains the development of the most important diseases of the heart and blood vessels, such as hardening of the arteries, high blood pressure, heart attack, cardiac insufficiency, cardiac arrhythmias and thrombosis and their examination and treatment. The author, as a doctor and expert in the field of cardiovascular medicine, presents each disease using patient stories and shows the problems, procedures and the various treatment options. An overview of the most important drug groups, technical terms and abbreviations help with understanding and are ideal for looking up. Affected persons, relatives and interested laypersons receive specific answers to their questions!
Product Details
- Publisher : Springer; 1st edition 2021 edition (December 4, 2021)
- Language : German
- Digital eBook : 145 pages
- ISBN-10 : 3662635712
- ISBN-13 : 978-3662635711
- ISBN-13 : 9783662635711
- eText ISBN: 9783662635728