Psychiatry Test Preparation and Review Manual, 2nd Edition (PDF Book)
by J Clive Spiegel
Updated to reflect all of the latest research in psychology and neurology, Psychiatry Test Preparation and Review Manual, 2nd Edition precisely mirrors the written ABPN board exam so you can expertly prepare and achieve your highest score. This psychiatry Q book now features over one thousand questions including an online component with all MCQs from the text, ensuring you know exactly what to expect when exam day arrives.
- Enhance your preparation with recommended readings from key textbooks in the field.
- Understand why your answers are correct or incorrect through detailed explanations of each possible response.
- Study as effectively as possible with 300 brand-new questions that match the current exam format, as well as 160 clinical vignette questions that are stylistically based on those appearing on the ABPN board exam and other standardized tests.
- Experience a realistic exam simulation online at, where you can take timed assessment tests as well as untimed practice tests, target specific areas of weakness, exclude topics not included on the MOC exam (such as child psychiatry and neurology), and more!
Product Details
- ISBN-13: 9780323088695
- Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
- Publication date: 3/5/2013
- Edition number: 2
- Pages: 468