Prevention, Recognition and Management of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (PDF Book)
This book presents clinical assessment and management solutions for those people who are exposed to Alcohol in Pregnancy. Over the last few decades we have begun to understand the enduring effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on the developing fetus. The consequence of prenatal alcohol exposure – Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders is a lifelong disorder and affects children and adults. It is a condition which is significantly under-recognised for many reasons. Assessment and diagnosis requires the input of multiple different professionals, and referral pathways are often poorly developed or non-existent. Information to support and guide these professionals in practical ways, what to do and how to help, remains limited. This book seeks to fill some of that gap by offering professionals, clear and useable research-based information and guidance that will help in their practice whilst also being a useful resource for anyone new to this increasingly recognised area of work.
The book is divided into four broad areas bringing together chapters authored by experts in their field including those with lived experiences. Part one focuses on presenting an overview of the condition, and approaching women about their alcohol use and risk followed by part two focusing more around diagnostic issues. Part three follows with management advice, and part four revolves around policy and health prevention in general. Each chapter is designed to offer insight but also practical tips and support in an accessible manner. The book offers an essential guide for a broad range of health and social care professionals working with this condition.
Product Details
- Publisher: Springer International Publishing; July 31, 2021
- Language: English
- ISBN: 9783030739652
- ISBN: 9783030739669