Pharmacology, 11th Edition (PDF Book)
By Linda E. McCuistion PhD MSN, Kathleen Vuljoin DiMaggio RN MSN, Mary B. Winton PhD RN ACANP-BC, Jennifer J. Yeager PhD ANP-BC GNP-BC RN
Gain a solid understanding of pharmacology and make it a part of patient-centered nursing care! Pharmacology: A Patient-Centered Nursing Process Approach, 11th Edition makes it easy to learn the principles of pharmacology and drug dosage calculation. A clear guide to pharmacotherapy and safe drug administration, this book uses drug prototypes to provide need-to-know information about key drugs, including dosage, side effects, interactions, and more. Nursing Process summaries enhance your skills in clinical judgment and patient care. Written by a team of nursing experts led by Linda McCuistion, this text provides the pharmacology knowledge you need to succeed on the NCLEX® and as a professional nurse.
- UNIQUE! Prototype Drug charts provide easy access to key information for representative drugs, including dosages, side effects, interactions, contraindications, pharmacokinetics, and more.
- UNIQUE! Extensive Drug Calculations chapter features a math review as well as step-by-step instructions for frequently used methods of dosage calculation.
- UNIQUE! Nursing Process summaries highlight important nursing considerations related to drug therapy and emphasize patient teaching, patient safety, and relevant cultural content.
- Critical Thinking case studies challenge you to apply your knowledge and analytical skills to realistic patient scenarios, and include answer guidelines on Evolve.
- Learning features include chapter outlines and objectives, review questions, and learning resources on the Evolve website.
- Application-level NCLEX® study questions include at least one alternate-style question per chapter, preparing you for the growing pharmacology coverage on the NCLEX Examination.
- Safety and Quality chapter discusses medication errors, specific nursing measures to promote safety, National Patient Safety Goals, and other safety issues and concerns.
- Prioritization coverage helps you learn to prioritize nursing care by listing nursing interventions in the order of priority, and a smaller font size differentiates between need-to-know and nice-to-know content.
- NEW! Next Generation NCLEX® (NGN) examination-style case studies familiarize you to the way that content will be tested in the new NGN exam.
- NEW! Updated and clinically relevant drug content includes the latest drugs and drug therapies, and removes drugs no longer being used.
- NEW! Updated Nursing Process summary boxes in each chapter include the Clinical Judgment Model steps along with the nursing process.
Product Details
- Publisher : Saunders; 11th edition (January 19, 2022)
- Language : English
- Digital eBook : 840 pages
- ISBN-10 : 0323793150
- ISBN-13 : 978-0323793155
Pharmacology, 11th Edition (PDF Book)
By Linda E. McCuistion PhD MSN, Kathleen Vuljoin DiMaggio RN MSN, Mary B. Winton PhD RN ACANP-BC, Jennifer J. Yeager PhD ANP-BC GNP-BC RN
Gain a solid understanding of pharmacology and make it a part of patient-centered nursing care! Pharmacology: A Patient-Centered Nursing Process Approach, 11th Edition makes it easy to learn the principles of pharmacology and drug dosage calculation. A clear guide to pharmacotherapy and safe drug administration, this book uses drug prototypes to provide need-to-know information about key drugs, including dosage, side effects, interactions, and more. Nursing Process summaries enhance your skills in clinical judgment and patient care. Written by a team of nursing experts led by Linda McCuistion, this text provides the pharmacology knowledge you need to succeed on the NCLEX® and as a professional nurse.
- UNIQUE! Prototype Drug charts provide easy access to key information for representative drugs, including dosages, side effects, interactions, contraindications, pharmacokinetics, and more.
- UNIQUE! Extensive Drug Calculations chapter features a math review as well as step-by-step instructions for frequently used methods of dosage calculation.
- UNIQUE! Nursing Process summaries highlight important nursing considerations related to drug therapy and emphasize patient teaching, patient safety, and relevant cultural content.
- Critical Thinking case studies challenge you to apply your knowledge and analytical skills to realistic patient scenarios, and include answer guidelines on Evolve.
- Learning features include chapter outlines and objectives, review questions, and learning resources on the Evolve website.
- Application-level NCLEX® study questions include at least one alternate-style question per chapter, preparing you for the growing pharmacology coverage on the NCLEX Examination.
- Safety and Quality chapter discusses medication errors, specific nursing measures to promote safety, National Patient Safety Goals, and other safety issues and concerns.
- Prioritization coverage helps you learn to prioritize nursing care by listing nursing interventions in the order of priority, and a smaller font size differentiates between need-to-know and nice-to-know content.
- NEW! Next Generation NCLEX® (NGN) examination-style case studies familiarize you to the way that content will be tested in the new NGN exam.
- NEW! Updated and clinically relevant drug content includes the latest drugs and drug therapies, and removes drugs no longer being used.
- NEW! Updated Nursing Process summary boxes in each chapter include the Clinical Judgment Model steps along with the nursing process.
Product Details
- Publisher : Saunders; 11th edition (January 19, 2022)
- Language : English
- Digital eBook : 840 pages
- ISBN-10 : 0323793150
- ISBN-13 : 978-0323793155