Pathologies maternelles et grossesse, 2nd Edition (PDF Book)
By Consult the Alexandra Benachi page of Amazon, search results, Dominique Luton, Laurent Mandelbrot, Olivier Picone
Significant medical advances in recent years have enabled many patients with chronic pathologies to achieve pregnancy. These changes in the medical world have notably influenced the way of working of obstetrician-gynecologists who have had to take care of these patients on a more regular basis. During their pregnancy, these women will be monitored by both the pathology specialist and an obstetrician. It is therefore necessary that the gynecologist usually in charge of the patient can have quick and clear access to information concerning the pathology from which the latter suffers. This book must be able to answer all the questions that people in contact with the sick patient may ask themselves: is pregnancy possible? What elements will have to be monitored in the patient and the fetus? Will this pregnancy involve a modification of the usual treatment? Will complications inherent in pregnancy arise? The book thus lists the vast majority of chronic diseases and each time offers reminders and a simple procedure to follow in order to best manage often difficult situations. This book is intended for obstetrician-gynecologists, interns, general practitioners, midwives, and all those involved in the management of high-risk pregnancies. Alexandra Benachi is a university professor, hospital practitioner, head of the gynecology-obstetrics and reproductive medicine department at Antoine Béclère hospital in Clamart. Dominique Luton is a university professor and hospital practitioner, gynecology-obstetrics department, head of department at Beaujon Hospital in Clichy. Laurent Mandelbrot is a university professor, hospital practitioner and head of the obstetrics gynecology department at the Louis Mourier hospital in Colombes. Olivier Picone is a hospital practitioner, gynecology-obstetrics department at the Foch hospital in more
Product Details
- Editor: Elsevier Masson; 2nd edition (June 21, 2022)
- Language : French
- Number of pages of the printed edition: 506 pages
- Pagination – ISBN of the reference print edition : 2294773519
- Print ISBN: 9782294773518
- eText ISBN: 9782294773877