Pagana’s Canadian Manual of Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests, 3rd edition (PDF Book)
by Sandra A. MacDonald, BN, MN, PhD, Kathleen Deska Pagana, PhD, RN, Timothy J. Pagana, MD, FACS and Theresa Noel Pagana, MD, FAAEM
Written exclusively for a Canadian market, Pagana’s Canadian Manual of Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests, 3rd Edition, provides clear, concise coverage of more than 700 of the most commonly performed tests, with Canadian lab values, SI units, Canadian cultural considerations, and unique Canadian content. Its many user-friendly features include an easy-to-understand writing style, full-colour illustrations, and a logical organization. Each test entry is presented in a consistent format to provide quick access to information on specimen collection, normal findings, indications, test explanation, procedure and patient care, and test results and clinical significance, as well as any applicable contraindications, potential complications, critical values, interfering factors, and related tests. This edition has been updated to reflect the latest procedures, equipment, and techniques, along with 35 of the most current laboratory and diagnostic tests. Plus, Canadian guidelines are highlighted by a maple leaf icon for easy reference!
Key Features
- UNIQUE! Canadian guidelines are highlighted by a maple leaf icon in the text margin for easy identification and reference.
- UNIQUE! A description of commonly performed laboratory methods explains methods used to evaluate blood, urine, spinal fluid, and other specimens.
- UNIQUE! Cultural Considerations boxes highlight important aspects of working with patients from the diverse cultural and racial backgrounds of the Canadian population, such as Indigenous communities.
- UNIQUE! Coverage of the clinical significance of test results explains why a given test result indicates specific diseases.
- UNIQUE! SI units in the Normal Findings section of appropriate tests offer quick and easy reference (conventional units also included).
- UNIQUE! Related Tests sections list tests that provide similar information or are used to evaluate the same body system, disease process, or symptom.
- Information on Canadian standard precautions and procedures covers those set forth by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, as well as Canadian screening protocols such as those set out in the Canadian Cancer Society Screening Guidelines.
- Blood studies coverage includes Canadian test-tube colouring classifications and guidelines for the correct order and process of collecting blood samples in Canada.
- Necessary consideration is given to the differences between provinces/territories (and institutions) in regard to privacy legislation, obtaining consent, agency guidelines, procedure protocols, and the availability of tests.
- Coverage of Canadian privacy laws and legislation includes PHIPA and PIPEDA, the Canadian Labour Code, policies for DNA collection, reporting of infections such as Chlamydia, and much more.
- Up-to-date Canadian statistics are provided for topics such as STDs and C. difficile.
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