Notfallmedizin. Fragen und Antworten: 765 Fakten für Prüfung und Praxis (German Edition) (PDF Book)
By Franz Kehl, M Frommer, D Holzheid, J Kuestermann, M Lange, C Lotz, T Metterlein, C Quaisser, A Redel, U Rohsbach, A Schoefinius
Learn and practice the emergency with concrete questions! Questions from daily emergency practice are compiled here according to subject areas and the multiple choice principle. With concise comments on all answers and all essential facts and differential diagnoses of emergency medicine. Among other things, on the following topics: emergency medication and infusion solutions, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, general toxicology, emergencies in children, in pregnant women and newborns, disorders of vital functions. A valuable tool for exam preparation for the additional qualification “Emergency Medicine” and for anyone who wants to refresh their “Know How”.
Product Details
- Publisher : Springer; 1st edition (December 4, 2006)
- Language : German
- Digital eBook : 216 pages
- ISBN-10 : 3540337393
- ISBN-13 : 978-3540337393
- ISBN-13 : 9783540337393
- eText ISBN: 9783540337409