Nail Disorders, 1e (PDF)
Get a quick, expert overview of nail diseases and procedures with this concise, practical resource. Dr. Antonella Tosti covers high-interest clinical topics including anatomy and physiology of the nail, benefits and side effects of nail cosmetics, nail diseases in children and the elderly, and much more.
- Covers key topics such as nail psoriasis, nail lichen planus, onychomycosis, traumatic toenail disorders, self-induced nail disorders, the nail in systemic disorders, nail disorders in patients of color, and more.
- Includes basic nail procedures useful to students, residents, fellows, and practitioners.
- Consolidates today’s available information and experience in this important area into one convenient resource.
Product Details
Product Details
- Digital eBook: 172 pages
- Publisher: Elsevier; 1 edition (April 16, 2018)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0323544339
- ISBN-13: 978-0323544337