Monitoring in Anesthesia and Critical Care (PDF Book)
This book “Monitoring anesthesia and Critical Care” generates a unique place in medical world today. Monitoring modalities have become essential part of patient management universally. This book not only covers the most modern technologies but also lays equal substantial focus towards conventional technologies. This not only allows the reader to know “where we are today” but also “how did we reach here.” this book addresses the full range of monitoring in its broadest sense, including history, physiological explanations, and practical applications. The scope of the book extends to far more than intraoperative anesthesia monitoring. The book is well written and easy-to-read, maintains a strong clinical perspective, is well illustrated, and is full of good examples. The book aptly uses illustrations to add to clarity of concepts and thus strengthens reader interpretations. This book divided into nine sections, which consist 41 chapters. The book consistently follows a standard presentation format that can greatly enhance the bedside reading. It can easily be concluded that book is meant for wide readership that includes practicing clinicians, researchers, residents, and teachers that spans specialties like anesthesia, intensive care, surgery obstetrics, pediatrics, and internal medicine.
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