Medicinal Plants for Lung Diseases (PDF Book)
This book summarizes experimentally-supported research on the therapeutic efficacy of plant extracts and their constituents on a range of respiratory diseases including infections. It discusses the pharmacological, cellular and molecular factors involved in the pathogenies of respiratory diseases and their modulation by plant-derived compounds. Additionally, it underlines the growing relevance of medicinal plant-based advanced drug delivery systems for treating lung diseases providing maximal therapeutic efficacy with better patient compliance. Overall, this comprehensive book is a blend of translational, biological, chemical and drug delivery aspects of medicinal plants employed in targeting respiratory diseases and attracts a range of audiencesincluding physiochemist, translational and clinical researchers working in the field of respiratory diseases.
Product Details
- Publisher: Springer Singapore; July 30, 2021
- Language: English
- ISBN: 9789813368491
- ISBN: 9789813368507