Medical Statistics II – Probability and Inference – Stanford Online (Course)
After mastering the fundamentals of data analysis in Medical Statistics I, it’s time to take your skills to the next level. Statistical inference allows you to make informed conclusions about a population based on a representative sample.
Why do millennials have higher rates of COVID-19 compared to Gen Z? What factors contribute to childhood obesity in certain ethnic groups? How do certain regions have a higher prevalence of cancer? By expressing probabilities instead of absolute certainty, you can address uncertainties and make meaningful generalizations.
What You’ll Learn:
- Hands-on computer simulations in R or SAS for making predictions using statistical inference
- The foundations of probability, including probability distributions, standard error, confidence intervals, p-values, statistical power, Type I and Type II error, Bayesian statistics, and equivalence testing
- Recognizing common statistical misconceptions and errors through real-life examples from medical journals and popular press