By Andrew Harvey, Jalal ud-Din Rumi
In Love’s Glory, mystical scholar Andrew Harvey presents 108 stunning short poems by the thirteenth-century Sufi mystic and poet Rumi. Working from translations in various languages and drawing on two decades of studying Rumi’s work, Harvey’s “re-creations” are arranged in a dance around crucial mystical themes: nondual bliss, ordeal, ecstatic recognition, revelation, and gratitude. “These short poems by Jalal-ud-Din Rumi, humanity’s most passionate and exalted mystic poet, are telegrams from Supreme Consciousness, sharp, dazzling, electric messages directly from Rumi’s Awakened Heart to our own, word-mirrors held up to us by Love itself so we can glimpse our own real face.”—from the Introduction
Product Details
Publisher : North Atlantic Books (July 30, 2013)
Publication date : July 30, 2013
Language : English
Screen Reader : Supported
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