Lecturio 2023 – ENARM (Course)
Prepare for ENARM with Lecturio
The objective of the Examen Nacional para Aspirantes a Residencias Médicas (ENARM) is to select the most qualified medical practitioners to pursue a medical residency in Mexico. Lecturio is a study tool designed to help students prepare for and pass the ENARM with confidence.
- The ENARM assesses knowledge related to fundamental science concepts, from scientific and medical theories to clinical medicine.
- The exam consists of 280 questions, structured as clinical case scenarios that have between one and three questions each, with a single correct choice based on the modality of the best response and three distractors. At least 8 expert professors design each question.
- 250 of the clinical cases are presented in Spanish and 30 are presented in English.
- The ENARM lasts 5 hours, with two shifts: morning and afternoon.
- The exam is administered in electronic format using a computer for each candidate.
- The ENARM explores cognitive competencies through clinical cases focused on Public Health, Emergencies, Family Medicine and the four core specialties of Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Obstetrics-Gynecology, and General Surgery.
- The ENARM is offered every year in September in various cities in Mexico. Approximately 8,000 positions are available for Mexican candidates, as well as around 500 for foreign candidates in each call.
- Candidates may choose the specialty of their interest after taking the exam.