Leading & Managing Occupational Therapy Services: An Evidence-Based Approach, 3rd Edition (EPUB)
By Brent Braveman OTR PhD FAOTA
Be prepared to lead, manage, and supervise OTs, OTAs, and interprofessional health care teams. Whatever your role, the practical knowledge and the guidance you’ll find here will help you become a more effective OT practitioner, colleague, and manager.
Use evidence to guide your leadership and managerial decision-making. This practical text introduces you to leadership and management theory, research, data, and evidence, and shows you how to apply them! From leadership and supervision to policies, program development, and continuous quality improvement, you’ll find complete coverage of the full range of leadership and managerial functions. Critical-thinking questions, real-life cases, and vignettes build the connections between theory, evidence, and practice.
- New & Updated! Coverage of the leadership and management content required by the 2018 ACOTE Standards for accredited OT and OTA programs
- New Chapters! Occupational Therapist-Occupational Therapy Assistant Partnership: Supervision and Collaboration and Surviving and Thriving in High-Demand Settings
- Expanded! Emphasis on the practical application of theoretical and technical knowledge with additional case studies and vignettes
- New! “Evidence in Action” feature, offering specific, practical examples of how OT leaders and managers might find and use evidence to answer questions they might encounter
- New & Updated! Updated information and new content that reflect changes in the social, political, financial, legislative, and professional environments in which OT practitioners operate
- Revised! More student-friendly approach to make complex concepts easier to understand and apply
- An evidence-based approach to leadership and management that facilitates decision making
- An organizational structure that reflects the traditional management functions of planning, organizing and staffing, controlling, and directing
- Coverage of key management functions, including strategic planning, business knowledge, financial planning, and financial management
- “Real-Life Management” and “Real-Life Solutions” scenarios that illustrate real-world situations and their resolutions.
- Case studies and vignettes that demonstrate how to apply leadership and management principles in practice
- Critical-thinking and multiple-choice questions in each chapter to connect theory and evidence with practice and assess their understanding
- Text boxes and tables to reinforce and summarize key information
- Coverage that reflects the challenges of OT managers managing non-OT staff, including interprofessional teams, interprofessional collaborative practice and interprofessional competencies
Product Details
- Publisher : F.A. Davis Company; Third edition (February 11, 2022)
- Language : English
- Digital eBook : 636 pages
- ISBN-10 : 1719640351
- ISBN-13 : 978-1719640350