Kindesmisshandlung: Medizinische Diagnostik, Intervention und rechtliche Grundlagen, 4. Aufl (German Edition) (PDF Book)
By Bernd Herrmann, Reinhard B. Dettmeyer, Sibylle Banaschak, Ute Thyen
The tried-and-tested textbook on child protection in medicine offers strategies for dealing with suspected cases of child abuse and neglect, well-founded technical foundations for diagnosis, security in legal issues and tried-and-tested concepts for intervention.
Sound somatic diagnostics
- Guideline-compliant, high level of evidence
- Rational diagnostic strategies
- Forensic Findings
- Pediatric and adolescent gynecological basics
Prudent intervention & prevention
- Interviewing with parents, children and young people
- Creating and using interdisciplinary networks
- Early help and child protection
- Protection concepts for dealing with abuse in institutions
Social and legal foundations
- Excerpts from the most important laws
- Legal victim protection, psychosocial consequences
Compact and relevant to practice
- Correct anamnesis and documentation
- Leaflets, checklists, internet addresses
- Practical tips, differential diagnoses and pitfalls
From “uneasy feelings” to evidence-based action. Taking into account the current literature, laws and case law as well as the new national AWMF S3+ child protection guideline and international guidelines. The first German-language manual for professional medical diagnostics and intervention. The necessary “tools” for doctors and other health professionals to make the right decisions in daily practice. As a proven guide, advisor and reference work for doctors, but also for all other professionals involved in child protection: lawyers, police, youth welfare offices, advice centers.
With all relevant content for the basic and advanced course of the certificate course in child protection medicine from the German Society for Child Protection in Medicine (DGKiM).
Product Details
- Publisher : Springer; 4th Edition 2022 edition (July 19, 2022)
- Language : German
- Digital eBook : 506 pages
- ISBN-10 : 3662624168
- ISBN-13 : 978-3662624166
- ISBN-13 : 9783662624166
- eText ISBN: 9783662624173