JAAD Reviews is one of three open access companion titles to the highly-respected Journal of The American Academy of Dermatology (JAAD).
JAAD Reviews seeks high quality, evidence-based reviews, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses that support the mission of JAAD. JAAD Reviews will consider review articles that advance dermatological expertise by publishing evidence-based research to help dermatologists improve patient outcomes.
All submissions are peer reviewed and of interest to an audience of dermatologists, residents, fellows, and researchers in all dermatology subspecialties, as well as clinicians in related fields. To provide fully available, open access articles, authors are requested to pay a publication fee once their manuscript has been accepted. Following payment of this fee, the article will be made universally available on ScienceDirect and on Elsevier’s HealthAdvance platform.
Volume 1: Pages 1-174 (September 2024)