Infections Affecting Pregnancy and Childbirth
by Maureen Boyle
The Confidential Enquiry into Maternal Deaths 2006-2008 report, ‘Saving Mothers’ Lives’, highlighted an alarming rise in the number of maternal deaths attributed to sepsis. This launched the issue of infection related illness once again into the forefront of the care of mothers and babies. Alongside concerns about the impact of sepsis, questions have been raised about why this increase has occurred and what is the effect of infective illness in pregnancy generally. At the same time there has been growing concern about antimicrobial resistance which means that the drugs used to fi ght a range of infectious diseases are becoming less effective. The WHO considers antimicrobial resistance an increasingly serious threat to global public health. It is therefore timely to consider the role midwives have in preventing, identifying, referring and managing infection related illness. From the Introduction This full-colour book provides midwives with highly practical, readily accessible information on the wide range of infections affecting pregnancy and childbirth. It comprehensively outlines the vital role of the midwife in infection, including prevention, identifi cation of high-risk individuals, educational opportunities, signs and symptoms, sample collection, screening and ongoing care – consistently revealing ways in which sympathetic, confi dential and respectful care are essential to restore a sense of emotional well-being alongside physical recovery. It also serves as a concise compendium of policy guidelines from a variety of specialist areas including Public Health England, The British Association for Sexual Health and HIV, The UK National Screening Committee, RCOG, and epic3: National Evidence-based Guidelines for Preventing Healthcare-Associated Infection. Each chapter also includes an invaluable list of online resources where relevant, ideal for keeping abreast of changes to clinical guidance. Infections Affecting Pregnancy and Childbi
Product Details
- ISBN-13: 9781909368354
- Publisher: Radcliffe Publishing
- Publication date: 2/1/2015
- Edition number: 1