by Spencer Rathus (Author)
This ISBN is for the Pearson eText and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplement. Human Sexuality in a Changing World provides a clear overview of this diverse field, aimed at helping students see the effects of both biology and culture upon human sexuality. In order to foster a more personal and impactful learning experience, authors Spencer Rathus, Jeffrey Nevid, and Lois Fichner-Rathus encourage students to reflect upon their own beliefs and experiences as they proceed through the text. The Canadian edition has been updated extensively with new Canadian materials and references in each chapter. In addition to integrating up-to-date Canadian research and statistics, we’ve addressed key issues in human sexuality within the uniquely Canadian context.
Product Details
Publisher: Pearson Canada;
ISBN: 9780137919604
ISBN: 9780137919468
Copyright: 2025
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