History Taking and Communication Skill Stations for Internal Medicine Examinations (EPUB + Converted PDF)
The history taking and communication skill stations are amongst the most difficult postgraduate examinations, where candidates more commonly fail due to an inability to communicate properly with the patient, rather than due to lack of knowledge.
Authored by experienced postgraduate examiners, this book offers students a wealth of real-life scenarios in multi-conversational styles, using a seven-step approach to help them understand the questions and provide clear and succinct answers.
The scenarios are similar to those most frequently encountered in examinations and the model answers are in a typical style expected between doctor and patient, also taking into account candidates for whom English may not be their first language.
The comprehensive text is enhanced by illustrations and figures to assist learning and will be useful not only to candidates preparing for postgraduate clinical examinations, but also to undergraduate students.
Key points
- Provides real-life, conversational-style scenarios between doctor and patient to help students prepare for postgraduate history taking and communication skill examinations
- Uses a seven-step approach to help postgraduates understand questions and provide clear and succinct answers
- Scenarios typical of those used in examinations
- Authored by experienced postgraduate examiners
Product Details
- Publisher:Jaypee Brothers Medical Pub; 1st edition (January 31, 2020)
- Language::English
- Digital eBook:293 pages
- ISBN-10:1909836990
- ISBN-13:978-1909836990
- Item Weight:1.34 pounds
- Dimensions:6.25 x 0.75 x 9.25 inches