Handbook of fractures (First South Asia Edition) (PDF Book)
By Thakur
The South Asian edition of Handbook of Fractures is the must-have reference for standalone orthopedic surgeons, casualty officers, residents in orthopedics in teaching and nonteaching hospitals, and medical officers in primary health centers. The book is designed to provide swift access to information on everyday fractures including their clinical features, classification, salient anatomical nuisances, mechanism of injury, radiological positioning, and all aspects of fracture management from immediate pain control to final disposal. Key Features: • Detailed discussion of major fracture classifications systems covering special topicssuch as multiple trauma, gunshot wounds, pathologic and periprosthetic fractures, andorthopedic analgesia • Updated and contextualized to fit the South Asian demography addressing topics suchas fascia iliaca compartment block for instant and prolonged control of pain in fractures ofproximal femur and neck of femur, external fixator for distal radius fracture, titaniumelastic nailing of clavicle, steps to obtain stable reduction of intertrochanteric fracture offemur, Filipov’s method of three-screw fixation of intracapsular fracture of neck of femur,anatomy of Morel-Lavallée lesion, radiographic positioning for painful injured arm andelbow, Ottawa knee and ankle rules for radiography of injured joints, and intraoperativefluoroscopy of wrist to avoid dorsal penetration of screws in volar plate fixation • Easy-to-follow format featuring concise, bulleted structure for efficient review of fractures • Text is presented in a lucid and concise manner through illustrations, quick-reference charts, tables, and diagrams
Product Details
- Publisher : Wolters India Pvt ltd (1 October 2022)
- Digital eBook : 853 pages
- ISBN-10 : 9393553181
- ISBN-13 : 978-9393553188
File Size : 15.3 MB