Gynecological Emergencies, 2nd Edition (PDF Book)
The aim of this book is to focus on the gynecological emergencies. Gynecological Emergencies is an invaluable reference guide for busy practitioners and students who want to optimize their practice of gynecological emergency management. This book comprised of 5 sections that include adolescents, reproductive age group, postmenopausal age group, emergencies in gynecological surgeries, miscellaneous gynecological emergencies, which are further divided into 27 chapters. This textbook provides a lucid description of evidence-based management of gynecological emergencies. Each chapter has been painstakingly researched to provide concise and comprehensive information on current practices. This book holds promise for all gynecologists as it covers in depth, yet succinctly, the entire armamentarium of gynecological emergencies for adolescent, reproductive age and post-menopausal age group. The inclusion of user-friendly flowcharts and tabulated data has turned this book into a very useful teaching tool and invaluable reference guide for the busy practitioners.
Product Details
Product Details
- Publisher : Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Private Limited (January 1, 2020)
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 9389587182
- ISBN-13 : 978-9389587180