Grant’s Dissector, 16th Edition (PDF Book)
By Alan J. Detton PhD
- Newly revised for easy-to-follow consistency throughout every chapter.
- Dissection Overviews now include numbered, step-by-step instructions to guide you through relevant surface anatomy and osteology.
- Each step in the Dissection Instructions has been carefully reworded to clarify and improve the dissection experience.
More than 30 new summary tables provide an excellent review resource and make the dissection steps more task-oriented and concise.
- Dissection Follow-up sections now contain a numbered list of tasks to perform following the dissection.
- Revised abdominal wall and head dissection instructions offer effective new approaches to these complex anatomical regions.
- More than 100 modified or brand-new illustrations throughout.
- Conveniently cross-referenced to Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy and three other unique atlases for appropriate illustrations of each anatomical area.
- Clinical Correlation boxes are integrated into instructions and provide context for health care practice.
Product Details
- Publisher : LWW; Sixteenth, North American edition (March 30, 2016)
- Language : English
- Spiral-bound : 320 pages
- ISBN-10 : 1496313801
- ISBN-13 : 978-1496313805