GLUTEFILLER and Other Aesthetic Treatments for the Glutes (OEO)-2024 (PDF + VIDEO)
“The B side: as a proud boomer, I remember how the letter ‘B’ was often linked, rightly or wrongly, to something deemed of inferior quality (the B side of 45s, the B movies of the 70s/80s). However, the B side, understood as the gluteal region, has consistently sparked curiosity, admiration, and debate since the times of the Greeks”.
At the National Archaeological Museum of Naples, it is possible to admire a statue often hailed as the epitome of sensuality in marble art. This is the Venus Callipyge, and her sensuality lies not in the enchantment of her gaze but in the soft forms
of her “B side”, to the extent that it inspired the artistic name of “callipygian”, which in ancient Greek means, precisely, “with beautiful buttocks”, an etymological explanation based on kalòs = beautiful and pygos = buttock. The history of art is rich with admirers of the female back – painters and patrons who appreciated this concealed aspect of the female body. Undoubtedly, one of the most captivating backs belongs to the ‘Sleeping Hermaphrodite’ displayed in Palazzo Massimo in Rome. This statue, has remained unaltered, reaching us intact from antiquity, thus demonstrating that the importance of side B knows no gender boundaries.
Up to the present day, the B-sides possess a unique perspective, perceiving things beyond our ordinary view. They keep a portion of our visual space concealed, silently observing and dreaming their own dreams. What was the beautiful Kiki de Montparnasse, photographed by Man Ray, contemplating when immortalizing the “Ingres Violin”? The work undertaken by
our colleagues Maurizio Cavallini and Adriano Santorelli in crafting this manual is invaluable and timely. Over the past 15 years, attention to medical and surgical treatments of the gluteal region has exponentially increased, driven by growing demand. This trend is substantiated by the annual statistics published by ASAPS and ISAPS.
However, what is essential to highlight, and the authors often emphasize this in the book, is that, especially concerning minimally invasive techniques, the gluteal region is not an easy area for everyone: fillers, threads, adipose tissue, and energy devices can be used in this anatomical area only if the practitioners have a profound knowledge of anatomy and physiology. Another fundamental aspect of the manual is the advice not to underestimate possible complications, especially with minimally invasive techniques: the level of attention and care for technique and asepsis must be consistently high.
In conclusion, because that is the focal point, this manual deserves recognition for communicating in a practical and knowledgeable language, characteristic of those who understand and apply their knowledge.
160 pages full color