Funktionelles Fitnesstraining (2nd ed.) : 150 Übungen für Breiten-, Leistungssportler und Übungsleiter (PDF Book)
The book contains a combination of functional movement exercises and endurance sports that can be used to achieve lasting fitness. The basis and measure of fitness are exercise programs that are designed in such a way that a weekly energy turnover that is 1500-2500 kcal higher than physical rest can be achieved – ideal for prevention. In the theoretical part of the book, the tissues involved in body movements are presented and the basics of motor skills, fitness control and training control are discussed. In the much larger practical part, over 150 exercises for halls, forests and beaches are offered (those for halls and beaches also with music) as well as numerous endurance sports exercises. The basic exercises are explained in detail, the muscles mainly used (agonists and postural muscles) are named, and also shown schematically for the indoor exercises. The exercises are also suitable for strengthening weakened muscles, stretching shortened muscles, mobilizing joints and improving general endurance. The book is aimed at recreational and competitive athletes as well as sports teachers, trainers, physiotherapists and sports physicians.
Product Details
- ISBN-10: 366262592X
- ISBN-13: 978-3662625927
- ISBN-13: 9783662625927
- eText ISBN: 9783662625934