Freundlich, aber bestimmt – Die richtigen Worte finden in Gesundheitsberufen (Top im Gesundheitsjob) (German Edition) (PDF Book)
By Alexander Seidl
This book is aimed at nurses and healthcare professionals and shows how to confidently master difficult conversational situations in everyday life.
Healthcare professionals are often exposed to difficult situations and have to listen to a lot from relatives, patients, residents, but also colleagues. The pocket book explains how to avoid being speechless and how to cool down in “heated” situations. Simple but effective strategies are presented for mastering these conversational situations with confidence and for dealing with upset, annoyed people. Verbal, non-verbal and paraverbal strategies are presented and deepened with concrete case studies. You can train your own reaction behavior with short exercises.
Setting yourself apart and saying no are also important skills for enjoying your job. This is particularly difficult in situations that affect you emotionally, and the classic stress reactions often become active. The author also gives tips on how professional distance can be achieved and how the anger from the working day is not taken home on the sofa.
Whether patient, relative or teammate – the tips can be transferred to many conversational situations. With many practical examples and suggestions for everyday work. For all members of the health professions – so that even in difficult situations you are neither speechless nor bursting at the seams.
Product Details
- Publisher: Springer; 3. Aufl. 2022 edition (May 7, 2022)
- Language : German
- Digital eBook : 170 pages
- ISBN-10 : 3662650444
- ISBN-13 : 978-3662650448