FRCS (General Surgery): The Road to Success, Volume 2
FRCS (General Surgery) The Road to Success Volume 2
Mr Pradip K Datta (Author), Professor Christopher J.K. Bulstrode (Foreword)
This is the second of the four volumes in the Kindle edition of the highly popular book ‘FRCS General Surgery: A Road to Success’.
The second volume contains the following chapters:
• Hernia and Abdominal Wall
• Obesity and Metabolic Surgery
• Arteries and Aneurysms
• Venous System
• Lymphatic Disorders of Lower Limbs
• Breast
This book covers the important topics set out by the Joint Committee on Intercollegiate Examinations and Joint Surgical Colleges Fellowship Examinations Board of United Kingdom and Ireland. It is structured in the form of ‘questions and answers’, similar to how it will be tested in the exam. The text is complemented by liberal use of clinical images, radiographs, illustrations and flow charts that will enable the user to consolidate existing knowledge on common topics and easily comprehend unfamiliar clinical conditions.
How to benefit the most from this book?
Each chapter commences with a short synopsis followed by a list of diagnoses. This is followed by a number of clinical scenarios. Following this, the answers are structured in the form of ‘Diagnosis matched with clinical features and images’. After the answer to each question is provided [i.e., the diagnosis that matches the clinical scenario], a clinical or radiological image is usually shown. This is followed by a set of questions and detailed answers [explanations]. The questions and answers will flow in the format of a viva-voce. If one considers this layout from an exam perspective, you will appreciate that the viva usually starts with a clinical scenario where you would be expected to make a correct diagnosis, followed by management of the patient. The management section will comprise of questions related to clinical presentation, diagnostic criteria, pathophysiology of the condition, guidelines to follow, appropriate investigations and treatment options including surgery. The book will thus enable to approach each topic in the format one will be tested in the exam. The detailed chapter on applied physiology and critical care [and another on management of pain] in Volume 4 will provide the user with a sound understanding of the fundamental principles in managing a critically ill surgical patient.
Product Details
- Print Length: 200 pages
- Publisher: Doctors Academy Publications; First Edition – Volume 2 edition (December 29, 2014)