Farmed Animals on Film: A Manifesto for a New Ethic (The Palgrave Macmillan Animal Ethics Series) (PDF Book)
By Stephen Marcus Finn
This book aims to show how film can increase awareness of the plight of farmed animals without exploiting them. Much has been written on the rights of animals, be they in the wild or circuses, hunted, experimented on, used for entertainment, or slaughtered and consumed. However, there has been little that has examined in any detail the filming of farmed animals, and nothing on a declaration of rights for such animals, thus leaving them in a limbo of neglect. Stephen Marcus Finn offers a manifesto on how to foster the rights of farmed animals in filming sets out to rectify this lacuna.
Product Details
- Publisher : Palgrave Macmillan; 1st ed. 2023 edition (March 4, 2023)
- Language : English
- Digital eBook : 246 pages
- ISBN-10 : 3031238311
- ISBN-13 : 978-3031238314
File Size : 4.6 MB