Exceptional Children: An Introduction to Special Education, 12th Edition (High Quality Image PDF)
Exceptional Children: An Introduction to Special Educationis an informative, accessible, and interesting introduction to the ongoing story of special education. It focuses on experienced teachers to give readers first-person insight into this diverse field. It also details, step-by-step, how special educators use highly effective, research-based practices to promote student achievement in their classrooms.
Product Details
- Publisher : Pearson; 12th edition (January 31, 2022)
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 0135756626
- ISBN-13 : 978-0135756621
Exceptional Children: An Introduction to Special Education, 12th Edition (High Quality Image PDF)
Exceptional Children: An Introduction to Special Educationis an informative, accessible, and interesting introduction to the ongoing story of special education. It focuses on experienced teachers to give readers first-person insight into this diverse field. It also details, step-by-step, how special educators use highly effective, research-based practices to promote student achievement in their classrooms.
Product Details
- Publisher : Pearson; 12th edition (January 31, 2022)
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 0135756626
- ISBN-13 : 978-0135756621