Estimulação da Linguagem no Transtorno do Espectro Autista – TEA: Exercícios e Atividades (PDF Book)
By Mariana Paes Leme Hypolito
Elaboration and adequacy of exercises and structured activities, based on the multisensory method for children with ASD in the literacy phase. on the Autistic Spectrum (ASD). It is an instrument capable of contributing, in a practical way and with a pedagogical and therapeutic look, contemplating different special educational needs. It presents exercises and activities in an objective, simple and efficient way based on the multisensory method, which uses several “inputs neuropsychological” for the acquisition of both written and spoken learning. Its initial proposal is the performance of speech therapists, therapists, teachers and mediators,
Product Details
- Publisher : Thieme Revinter; 1st edition (June 27, 2018)
- Language : Portuguese
- Digital eBook : 206 pages
- ISBN-10 : 8554650980
- ISBN-13 : 978-8554650988